Kickstarter Campaign Opens
The Race to Save 2022 Begins in
Dr. Zero’s Ragnarok Run is an annual event designed to save the world from imminent destruction. Only you (and hundreds of others) can successfully solve the mystery and complete the challenge to keep the world turning for another year.
As part of the ten day campaign, each participant will receive a postcard with a tracking mechanism (left) and daily emails with clues to the location they are attempting to reach and/or puzzle that needs solving, To solve the puzzle, participants need to complete 1 mile of walking, jogging, or equivalent exercise each day from December 21-Jan 1 to reach the final destination and save the world.
As a participant of the Obscurius Illustrata, you (and your team) will receive an actual postcard with a fully playable game, daily emails with either clues or puzzles to solve, and reminders to keep moving through one of the most difficult times of the year to remain healthy. Yes, this campaign is designed to keep us all healthy during the annual holiday rush.
As part of the campaign, you have the opportunity to purchase one of the exclusive ‘I saved the World today, what did you do’ T-shirts. (As part of a Kickstarter campaign, you will also have the opportunity for stretch goals)